Light Conversations with Bhaskar #4 - Satyen Raja

Light Conversations with Bhaskar #4 – Satyen Raja | Transcript

Bhaskar: Greetings, beloved the-light-full beings! Welcome to another Light Conversations with Bhaskar Goswami. I’m truly honored, grateful, and enthusiastic to introduce my next guest, Satyen Raja, CEO and founder of Warrior Sage Training. Satyen’s achievements and body of work are remarkable. He has worked with some of the elite corporate leaders in the world, helping their organizations up level. He has also shared his 40 years of experience in the higher consciousness sciences and studies with countless people. I consider him to be a true savant in this field. He is the creator of a training program called Accelerated Evolution, which I’m honored to be a part of. Hundreds of people have benefited from these trainings. So, without any further ado, let’s dive right in. Satyen-ji, I’m so happy to be here with you.

Satyen: Thank you, Bhaskar. It’s always a blessing and an honor.

Bhaskar: I would like to give our dear viewers and listeners a brief history of how we came into contact. I’ve been studying the inner sciences for a couple of decades, particularly from the Eastern perspective. When I discovered your body of work, I was so profoundly touched. It resonated so deeply with all that I had already studied. It also deepened and broadened my understanding to such an extent that it has heightened my capacity as a human being and my ability to serve. I want to start by acknowledging and appreciating that.

Satyen: Thank you, Bhaskar. You know, with your background and depth of experience, I’m so glad you were able to recognize the depth and nuance of Accelerated Evolution and our body of work. Very few people can see that because they don’t have that breadth and width, but because you do, I was very excited when you were able to get it. And so I’m very grateful for that.

Bhaskar: I would love for our viewers and listeners to dive into some of the foundational principles behind this body of work. The first thing that intrigued me was how precious our attention is. In all my previous classes and studies, I’ve always said that the two most powerful things we have are our attention and intention. In your body of work, it starts with the understanding of what are called Trapped Units of Attention (TUA) and how they can jam up our flow and create struggle in our lives. Maybe we can start by exploring how attention can get trapped in our bodies and in our lives.

Satyen: That’s a great question. The frame that I look at all of this from is from the philosophy of the warrior sage - timeless ancient principles. And for me, the warrior sage way of being is a way to live life in congruency, alignment, wisdom, love, truth, and enlightened power. So for me, the understanding of intention and attention from that perspective is very important. As a warrior in martial arts, self-defense, and challenging times, where our attention is and the quality of our attention - the depth, the centeredness, the equanimity within our attention - is paramount. If we lose that centeredness, if we lose that groundedness of attention and we become myopic under duress or stress or struggle or strain or overwhelm, then all of our attention contracts. And then what happens is we make decisions from this contracted state. We have fear become evoked. Our mammalian deeper brain center becomes evoked because we’re in the fight or flight or freeze or shutdown response. So it’s very valuable in the warrior sage way of being to cultivate awareness of where our attention is being placed and to recognize that our attention is our most valuable asset. We live in an attention economy, as it has been called. There are many forces trying to get our attention, hook us up, hook us in, with whatever agendas they want us to be a part of or whatever loyalties they want us to have.

Bhaskar: Absolutely. As you speak, I’m reminded of when I was an engineer way back in the day. I remember I was called into the boardroom. At that time, I was a senior design engineer and the director asked me to provide some numbers on how we were progressing that quarter. I had the numbers in my mind, but because of the pressure and the scrutiny, I felt so stuck in my body. It completely drained my intelligence, my creativity, my connection with reality. I remember feeling that stuckness in my body. I believe this is a concept that we’re referring to in this body of work as ‘charge’. I would like to explore what we mean when we use this word, charge.

Satyen: Absolutely. Charge is, in essence, energy that’s locked up in our cells from any type of negative or overwhelming experience. It could be even a positive experience. Charge is units of energy that are lodged within or held within our image center. So the images that we see right now - the rooms that we’re in, our internal images - that’s one dimension of our being. Then we have thoughts - we’ve all heard that we have many recurring thoughts every day. The thinking that I’m doing now, the thinking you’re doing, the thinking we’re all doing - that’s the realm of thought. And then there’s a realm of emotions - how we feel about things, our emotions related to things. There are higher vibrational ones and there are ones that drag us down. And then there’s body sensation - our tactile body, our bones, our muscles, our aches, our pains, our breath, our tensions. We have charge if we’ve had some type of negative experience in the past - betrayal, loss of business, challenges here and there, traumas - that get lodged in the images, the thoughts, the emotions, and the body level of our being. So charge is when it’s trapped and when it’s trapped, we’re looking through filtered eyes. We’re looking through the eyes of this charge, this upset. We’re not looking through clear and open eyes. We’re always being skewed and taken off our clarity because of those internal repressed stacked up charges. So it’s essential in the warrior sage way of being to find where those charges are, how they are holding us back in life, resolve those charges, bring them back into oneness, heal them, bring them back into integrity and integrate those charges. And then what happens after that is we enter a state of flow - natural inherent wisdom, the Tao, the higher centers of our being. So charge is contracted stuff within us. Integrate that charge and we become free; we become the whole human we’re meant to be.

Bhaskar: When I learned about this through your body of work, it was a mind-expanding experience. We are aware of the objective reality - the stuff around us that happens to us. And now there’s this very clear way of understanding a subjective reality - you can see the reality under our skin: thoughts, images, emotions, body sensations. So when we look at something like anger, for example, there’s a thought - “Why did they do that?” There’s an image of the person behaving inappropriately. There’s a meaning we’re giving it - “They don’t respect me.” There’s an emotion and a body sensation that come with it - “I feel angry and tense.” What I’m learning is to make contact with that level of reality at the subjective realm. This is another very important principle - the principle of ‘contact’. That’s something else I would love to explore with you.

Satyen: You know, contact, connection, oneness, unity, wholeness - these are all words that describe the essence of the spiritual traditions. They all talk about oneness, that there is no separation in the ultimate sense of our unified reality, that any sense of separation is somehow an obscuration of truth, an illusion created by our mind, our ego, and other factors. Contact is connection. We have actual practices and techniques that you know, that you’ve been practicing and sharing, that help bridge the distance between people - partners in love relationships, families, business partners, business colleagues, leaders, C-suite teams, CEOs, world leaders. What we’re truly lacking is genuine, real contact and connection. To me, the essence of contact is my soul connecting with your soul. Not just my mind, not just my thoughts, not just our intellects, not just our roles as business leaders, as husbands, wives, friends, brothers, sisters. It’s not just the roles. It’s the true self reaching and connecting with the true self of others. The quality of that depth of true self to true self connection, I call contact. Sacred connection. This I feel is essential to foster, not only in our homes, but in our workplaces, in our leadership circles, because contact is the carrier wave of transformation. It’s the sacred secret behind all transformation, behind all growth, behind all expansion. Genuine connection, soul to soul, being to being.

Bhaskar: Beautiful. I’m seeing that also as the deep contact with myself - my subjective reality; contact with the person I’m with - my interpersonal contact; and also contact with life itself as a sentient being. I’m reminded of Dr. Wayne Dyer. He expressed something beautiful. He said: “When you squeeze an orange, what are you going to get? Are you going to get grape juice? No. Are you going to get mango juice? No. You can only get orange juice. So when we’re squeezed, only what’s inside of us can come out.” Usually when life is a sweet breeze and a summer song, we’re all delightful beings. But when we get squeezed, what’s inside of us comes out. Often that remains unexamined until we get squeezed. Yet in these methodologies, there’s a process of duplication that allows us to deal with all those things when we’re not squeezed. So when we are squeezed, the highest essence and highest version of who we are comes out. I would love to linger with you around this principle of duplication and how potent it is for alleviating stuckness and unresolved trauma in our body and in our lives.

Satyen: Duplication for me is the essence of the deepest aspects of psycho-spiritual-emotional healing. To me, it’s the deepest core. Duplication is little known; mostly secret; it’s embedded indirectly in sacred ancient teachings and such; but it’s not as explicit or pragmatic in use. What duplication says and the principle of duplication is: let’s say I had a trauma from years ago - a business partner absconded with over a quarter million dollars from me; that hurt hard; it stung. When I found out I couldn’t believe it. I was shocked; I felt betrayed by someone so close, and that lodged somatic shutdown for weeks because that was years of my earning to be able to set that aside; and to have that stolen was like a shock to my soul and my being and my body - image-wise, thought-wise, emotion-wise, and body-wise - all took a serious hit. Now I’m sure there are folks here who have had a serious hit or upset - it could be on personal levels or professional levels - we all have had these types of challenges, right? A challenge shows up as images, thoughts, emotions, and body sensations.
When we come back to those aspects within ourselves - duplication is the process of finding out when I got harmed or hurt or upset - that very moment I found out that I was robbed basically - that was a shocking moment. That gets suspended and lodged in the nervous system, once again, in images, thoughts, emotions, and body sensations. Duplication is going back to the original circumstance, not through talk therapy or sharing or speaking about it, but duplicating in your consciousness. The exact image, the exact thought that went on, the exact emotions, as best you can recall, and the exact body sensations. We already know this. We can feel it. Our body knows it when we go there. And by feeling those experiences fully in their original formation, what happens is those knots of contraction and charge open up, and they become illuminated, and they return back to source, to oneness.
They integrate back into being what was a chain around someone's ankle. You know, you see these elephants when they're older, they've got a thin rope around their leg, but they still think they're chain. It's an unconscious thing in the same way. These charges are unconsciously holding us back.
The integration is taking off that rope, taking off that chain and returning it to its owner! And when that happens, we are free. We realize we're much bigger, much more spacious, much more real and much more capable. Now, imagine if that was happening in our families and imagine if that's happening in organizations and their leadership in our organizations.
We're going to have a spectacular world that's spiraling upward rather than heading towards further devastation, chaos, confusion.

Bhaskar: I'm reminded of this, cliché that is dead on point. You've got to feel it to heal it. The skill of duplication is in guiding the process of really recreating those four elements of thoughts, images, emotions, body sensations. There's something about just being aware of the recreation that already implies that there is di-identification. So the healing has begun already in just the duplication itself.
I'm also cognizant of another very powerful, potent principle in this body of work, which is that of ‘polarity’. I was recently with a client. She’s a creative director of a company. The company is really pushing her, she feels the stress and overwhelm of having to produce. She's feeling the tension between being productive and being creative. So this notion of two things coexisting and pulling someone apart, let's explore together this notion of what a polarity is and how we can release the charge around the sort of pulling effect in the body.

Satyen: So, in the East, we talk about duality or polarity. These are when two fundamental ideas, ways of being, thoughts, impressions, are antagonistic. Well, they can be complementary or antagonistic. In the Chinese system, we have the yin and yang, which are complementary opposites, the image of the complementary opposites.
But sometimes we can have antagonistic opposites that are push and pull, seesaw within our own consciousness, within our own tugs, our motivations. Some are, for example, for myself, one I'm always playing within my own being is at going bigger and large, making more impact. Versus staying calm and quiet and enjoying a private lifestyle.
So that could be one antagonism. Another antagonism is spirituality, consciousness, personal growth, versus making money and having a great career and great livelihood of wealth and abundance. It could be that the imprint is, is that abundance could be bad or is against having a spiritual, conscious, awakened life.
Many people have that oppositional antagonism within. They think they have to either choose either one or the other. Even if it's not conscious, it happens at a subconscious level. Another one could be, fear versus courage. Should I go ahead and declare my love? Should I go ahead and go for that venture?
Or should I listen to this feeling of nervousness and fear and just rest in that. These are antagonistic within our being. Through our methodology, what we do is we find where is there this conflict and we take them through an accelerated evolution experience which integrates the charge that's pushing away these opposites, making them even more oppositional.
When that charge is fully integrated through our process, we go into a state of oneness. We go into a state of unity consciousness, a state where we're deeply peaceful and these opposites are no longer there. We're able to act in a wholeness. Rather than be a puppet to the inner strings of for and against, shall I or shouldn't I?
All these internal oppositions become resolved. This is one of the biggest secrets of making great evolutionary progress, is to find where your antagonistic, oppositional charges are and do the work to bring them into oneness. And life just flows, companies flow, families flow, but not from the will, it comes from within spontaneously.

Bhaskar: It's a somatic shift from struggling through it to really joyfully moving with it. My experience has been, it just releases the charge between any craving and aversion, like dislike, either, or, and you suddenly enter into this ‘also\ and’ state. That acts like a barometer of what you want to experience as you move through.
This polarity integration work is so, so powerful. So, the polarity no longer captures our ability to be in contact with reality. Something else I find fascinating in this body of work is the notion around identity. It's a very important insight that an identity is essentially a point of view with a goal.
For example, I had a client who identified as a weary warrior, and that, was what she carried around with her. This, avatar for weary warrior that obviously takes a certain direction. And then through some processes, she was able to semantically reframe that into, an effortless, joyful magician.
That's another identity with a different point of view and a different goal. So I'd love to speak with you about the notion of identity and how important it is, and also how malleable it is, how quickly we can pick it up and put it down like garbs almost.

Satyen: So, let’s assume that we are true being - pure unfettered consciousness, a divine aspect of reality, a spiritual being, if you will - that’s our true nature, which is not qualified. It doesn’t have a personality structure. It generates a personality structure, but we are not personalities. Personalities are emanations of who we are and what we are, but they’re not the actuality of who we are. So we walk around as pure being but in different roles all day. Right now, I am being interviewed; I’m in the role of a friend, someone sharing, an interviewee, a colleague. If I’m with my wife later on today, I’ll be in the identity and the role of husband. When I’m going to be speaking to my son and daughter on the phone, I’m going to be in the identity and role of a father. When I’m running my businesses and I’m in my leadership position, I’m in the role of founder, CEO - that’s an identity.
Every identity has a viewpoint. Every viewpoint has an ultimate goal. So when I’m in the viewpoint of a father, my goal is: to give my children the best resources and capacity and education and environment to have a thriving life. When I’m in the role of CEO, personal advisor, guide, mentor - that’s the identity - the goal of that identity is to arm them to become the best examples, presentations and displays of a warrior sage leader with impeccability, clarity, heart, power, truth, and the capacity to bring people together and have them all move towards a noble and valiant finish line. So each identity has a goal.
Now the challenge is if we’re stuck in an identity. If I’m in the identity of a business leader and then I come home and I’m still in that identity - whereas I should be shifting to the identity of father and husband. This is a common theme where a lot of businesspeople complain: “I can’t get out of work mode and I keep bringing work home.” A lot of complaints about that. Or when you’re at work, you can’t stop thinking about the family: “I need to spend more time with family” and all of that. Why that’s happening is because you haven’t consciously shifted identities. We do it thousands of times during the day, but the more conscious we become - awake and alert - to hold on a sec: “I used to do this, but now when I finish my work, I take at least half an hour off. I go for a walk, do some breathing, do some yoga, or just relax. But I let go and I shut down all work. Then I say: okay, I take a refresher, a rebooter to resource myself - nature, breath, maybe go into the hot tub for a bit, maybe go for a walk around the block - whatever it is to let go of that previous identity of business leader. And now I occupy the identity of a loving father and husband. Now I’m going to that. I don’t allow myself to have mixed identities blending into each other. I become very clear which one I’m animating so that I’m in congruency and integrity with the space and the relationship I’m in.”

Bhaskar: Beautiful. It’s like a buffer zone between identities. I remember when I was an engineer, before coming back home, I used to go to the golf course and just hit a bucket on the range, and then I would come in as the family man. That alone could really change people’s lives - just offering a little buffer zone where you can transition from one to the other and consciously being aware of the identity that we’re embodying and choosing what we want to embody.
There is also another notion that is such a key takeaway for me: the notion of masculine and feminine energies. Not genders - separate matter - but energies: how we all carry within us the yin and the yang, ida and pingala, these two energies inside of us. And if I value myself as a conscious being with choice, for me it’s very important to have access to a wide spectrum of choice. Very often we can get locked in a very narrow spectrum of masculine energy or feminine energy. And then this notion of broadening the spectrum and then choosing what is the appropriate energy for that moment.
Sometimes when I’m with a client, I can sense that a more nurturing, warm, loving energy is required. And sometimes when I’m feeling that the person is a little bit wobbly and requires some straightening up, then I’ll turn on my masculine energy. And when I’m with a business partner, I may be more in the logical, rational, follow-through-seeking, claiming energy. When I’m with my kids, it’s much more playful, creative, fun, expressive energy. So the ability to be aware and have a wide spectrum to choose from and how that would impact people in their homes, in their professional lives - I’m wondering if you have any thoughts around that.

Satyen: In my experience, we have the whole spectrum within our being of masculine and feminine energy. Another way to look at these is: masculine energy relates to freedom - the urge within ourselves, the calling, the natural essence within ourselves that is seeking and wishing for the fulfillment of freedom - lower freedom or higher freedom; financial freedom or time freedom; friendship freedom or freedom to do what I want when I want; mental freedom or emotional freedom; spiritual freedom or sexual freedom - so there are different gradations and nuances and subtleties of freedom; but freedom is the masculine urge. If you look at more masculine-oriented movies, they’re about constraining or attaining freedom - being locked up or moving into freedom; or seeing a challenge like a mountain that we must overcome; or two or three or five men versus a whole huge army as an example - that striving desire for freedom is inherent within all of us because in here within all of us we actually are freedom. But because we’ve forgotten or the truth of our freedom is obscured, we seek it through superficial, external means of freedom.
Now, the opposite side of that is feminine. And feminine, another way of equating it is with flow. And the deepest calling and movement of the feminine or flow is towards love. Love is the consummation of our relationship, the free flow of love and connection. That is the deepest yearning of our feminine flow within ourselves.
Now, some of us by our nature are more feminine in that spectrum; some of us are more masculine in that spectrum by nature; and many of us on top of that nature have been conditioned by society, by our family imprints to be perhaps the opposite or somewhere in between; but we’re not resonating at our true energetic frequency. We tend to have shells, imprints of what a good man is, what a woman is supposed to be, how a man should be, how a woman should be. And now in this day and age, there’s so much confusion about all of that stuff.
In our work, we’ve come to recognize that instead of being one or the other, we can illuminate and awaken the whole spectrum of masculine and feminine, or freedom and flow energies within our being. So we can be more appropriate to the moment as you expressed - like a piano keyboard, it’s not just light notes or heavy notes, it’s the whole spectrum. The more I cultivate that spectrum and the fluidity of that spectrum, the more powerful I become.
So it’s not about your sexual orientation; this is more as you shared: in this moment I might need to be more challenging with my team; I might need to call upon a greater challenge with my family and my team; so more of my masculine; or I might say: hey, we’re going this way; and generate a direction and have everyone move along that direction - that’s masculine. In another moment, I might call everyone together and just soften the space and say: hey, let’s come into relationship; there’s too much tension; and I might activate and call upon us to soften our barriers and come to more love, more coherence, more affinity with each other - which is more of the feminine energy of flow.
Wisdom is the capacity to wield the whole spectrum. Ignorance is being stuck in one or the other and staying stuck in stuck roles of the past and thinking that’s who I must be and anything deviant from this is off. Wisdom is the whole spectrum embodied. Now that’s the type of leaders that we want for today.

Bhaskar: Yes, and this body of work is so efficient in giving people access to all the keys on the keyboard and also about being aligned with the right note at the right time. So again, just profound what’s possible.
I’ll move on to another principle I find very powerful: this is around desire. I remember as a young entrepreneur, I was at one point in contact with a highly influential person - elite world-renowned - and my desire to impress him hijacked my actual contact with him. This notion of desire as a decision laced with drama of some sort and then we speak about desireless where it’s indecisive, aimless, meandering, wandering here, wandering there. And there’s a notion of intention which is decision with no drama. This is something else as well that I think would be so powerful for our listeners to feel into: how does it impact them as leaders in their teams and their families and their organizations - the ability to choose intention over desire or desireless?

Satyen: If you look at anyone who desires something so much, there tends to be an exhaustion, exasperation and too much of a leaning into it. Embodying the Warrior Sage way of being is not about eliciting and going after your desires. It’s about the willingness to have and act upon your willingness to have. So instead of desire - wanting, moaning, whining, pining, yearning for, “I wish I could have”, “I want that”, “I desire that”, even visualizing “I desire that” - it’s like the butterfly that always goes away when you’re trying to catch it.
The willingness to have is saying to yourself, and everyone can do this: “I am willing to have this”, whatever that goal is - a better relationship, better success in business, better work, better health, whatever it is. The willingness to have is the root of true intention – waver-less intention, drama-less intention. You see, struggle is effort that’s laced with negative emotion. That’s sourced in egoic desire. If you have a goal, a desire, a wish, and you want to accomplish it, turn the desire down and ramp up the willingness to have it.
Some people can stay out in the desire of wanting some big accomplishment for years, but they don’t lock into the alignment of who they need to be to have that, to act upon that. What I’m sharing is: the willingness to have and act is 10,000 times more powerful than any desires - wanting, wishing. So we need to shift from desire, which is birthed or sourced in ego, to the intention of willingness to have, which is what we are. We are creators. When we have that willingness to have and the willingness to act on it, the universe moves towards us. All those things we want move towards us. When we’re locked into desire - wishing, wanting - our desires consistently elude us.

Bhaskar: I’m reminded of this Zen story about a Zen master going into an archery tournament and he sees the former champion underperforming. The Zen master makes the observation: “His need to win drains him of his power.” His need to win - so this is the desire causing frustration and struggle instead of setting the intention: “I’m here to hit the target.”

Satyen: Exactly. When we lower our emotional embroilment around what we wish to manifest, create and generate through our work, our brilliance, our intellect, our hands - and we’re willing to have and act on it - we don’t need desire; it just comes like in martial arts: the higher you go up, the less moves you do; the less energy you use. In any athletic endeavor: the more skillful you become; the less erratic your moves are; the less willpower is needed. Masters can swing a tennis racket with so much power; a beginner’s got to take a lot of energy to wind up. It’s the same in how we lead our lives; how we lead our companies; how we are in our organizations and in our families.
What is power? Am I in power? Do I have enough power? Whether it’s self-aggrandizement of the ego or self-diminishment of the ego, that’s the egoic stage of business development or leadership. And if we look at much of the world’s leadership, they’re sourced in ego: personal gain, personal reputation, stances that are for or against others. This is all ego-based.

Bhaskar: No examples necessary. There are plenty.

Satyen: We have history as the example. As we move forward in our evolution, we go into the path of self-mastery. So from ego to self - recognizing my ego, recognizing what is my true nature, what is my true impulse - and getting creative and taking on the path of mastery: personal development, personal growth, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. That is a noble path to embark on. And many of us have been on that path.
You have, I have, many listening have been on this path of ego and developing ourselves into the path of mastery on all levels. There’s no end to the path of mastery. But there will come a point where we have diminishing returns. Who knows when that will be? You’ll feel: even though I’m working on mastering myself, my life, my finances, my companies, my family - there’s something yearning in me that’s deeper. What that is, it’s the call of your soul’s evolution for the next stage, which is not self, not just self-mastery - which is, if you will, peak performance training; all the ways and teachings and philosophies about having more peak performance or biohacking or hacking lists - it’s all in the realm of mastery, which is excellent. There’s another deeper place - not higher, deeper, I would say - and that is the path of peak existence. What does existence look like at its peak for us as an individual? Who am I and what am I that fits into the whole in the most profound way?
When we - like a jigsaw puzzle - fit into the universal order in the exact way we’re meant to; not trying to mimic anyone else’s shape and fit into someone else’s puzzle; but we find what is the puzzle that we are the unique one for; when we make that our endeavor; then boom: Dharma awakens; the path unfolds; magic happens; synchronicities occur on a self level as well as on a team level as well as on a corporate level and hopefully even on a world level.
That’s what we want. We want to go from ego to peak performance to peak existence. And that’s the path we lay out in our executive leadership training: how do we walk along that path with congruency, with clarity, with impeccability and cultivating the skills, the capacities, the mindset and the embodied way of being to deliver the Warrior Sage way of holding oneself in companies? What does that equal? Success in all dimensions.

Bhaskar: I see this to be so self-evident. You could have the best engineer, scientist, accountant - whatever that expertise is - VP; and if they have some unresolved struggle of self-esteem or if they’re in a position where they’re struggling in their relationship at home with their family or friends or if their health is struggling physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually or if they’re having financial issues or if they’re just not having any fun in their life - even if they’re the best in the world, you will not be getting the highest version of them.
So to me it just makes a lot of sense - head, heart, bottom line - that we see everybody as multidimensional beings and seeing that they are in peak existence; and that’s when you’re going to really get the best version of them for the good of the person, good of the team and good of the mighty purpose that organization serves. So this notion of peak existence - I feel it’s business 3.0 and it’s just exponentially more potent than what’s happening right now.
You also speak about the five pillars that can harness and bring about this profound transformation from performance to peak existence.

Satyen: Those five pillars are the essential pillars of peak existence in any organization, at any time, at any place. These are timeless principles. The first one is power, and I represent that by a circle. Power represents people power - the ability to have the highest synergy and mastery of human dynamics in the organization. It’s the humans that make a company. It’s us that make companies successful, so true power is sourced in a vision and a mission that evokes the human power, the human awaken-ness, the desire to join that. Our responsibility is to craft and evoke a mission and vision that brings in the highest power, which is within us.
Next is heart, what I call the heart in an organization. That’s the corporate pulse, the camaraderie, the flow of communication, the flow of how strong we are together to achieve anything - that’s having heart, love, care for each other.
Then there’s team autonomy, which I call freedom - the ability to make our own decisions, clarity. Where are we stuck in organizations? Where are we stuck in ourselves? Where do we have limiting beliefs? Where’s the architecture limiting and causing a lack of freedom? We want to evoke the pillar of true freedom in our organization.
And then we have organizational flow - flow is the next pillar. And flow is: we’re looking for where there are constant fires; where there are jam-ups always in the company; it’s always happening all the time; we want to liberate a company into a flow state - a flow state when things are moving easily and success is happening without struggle.
And the last one is operational wisdom. Most companies and organizations are stuck - we’re not starving for wisdom; we’re not tapping into the already inherent wisdom within our teammates, our members. So for us to have that come together in potency is essential.
These are the pillars of any successful thriving organization when illuminated, activated and embodied in the executive team. Anything less than that will be partial and will have consequences. When we activate all these five pillars and train our leadership on how to bring that into the companies and create a company of transformation that attains peak existence and the highest corporate goals - it’s not only the way of the future; it’s a must. We need it today because quite frankly, high performers aren’t interested in just a buck anymore or higher wages; they’re interested in having fulfilling environments that inspire their soul, their being and their camaraderie and teamsmanship with others.

Bhaskar: It’s activating these five potent pillars - power, heart, freedom, flow, wisdom - in every human being in the organization; in between teams; and also as a collective; that is the work you’re bringing in the corporate environment.

Satyen: You and I have had very deep experiences of transformation in our lives. There are many people listening - leaders who have had deep transformational experiences. Could you imagine if the whole team was having that? What would it be like if the whole team - what would it be like if the whole organization were set up so that depth and transformation were a daily occurrence? What would that mean? And how important is that to you, to us as leaders? If it’s not important, so be it. And if it is important, then this is the time now - we’re in a very sacred, special time - to realize the true value of life, which is humans, and the human synergy, which is the essence of life’s fulfillment.

Bhaskar: What I love about this body of work is it isn’t merely academic and theoretical. It gets real practical and experiential right away. This is why there is tremendous efficiency because we’re not dealing with concepts here or intellectual gymnastics. The experience becomes true and sustained through regular practice, just like martial arts. Making these five pillars a culture of practice in organizations creates a thriving and living experience, not just words in a mission statement or some inspiring talk or workshop. That is why I am so fascinated by this work and the way of the warrior sage.
I would like to end with this concept of the way of the warrior sage and what it means for organizations when this quality is embodied at the individual and collective level.

Satyen: We are both students of the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Indian teaching. It is a dialogue between the Divine, represented by Krishna, and his disciple Arjuna, who are both warriors. Arjuna is a mighty warrior. The teaching takes place on a battlefield, in the midst of the highest duress and tension in warfare, with serious stakes. We can use that metaphor for our organizations, that we are also on some type of ground that requires us to be wise, potent, at our best, and solid: the corporate warrior ground.
The challenge is that we have not been trained on how to awaken our way of being. We have academic training, models, rational approaches, systems, ideologies, and frameworks. But very few leaders I know are embodied and are living examples that evoke those around them into this natural state of mutual leadership and collaboration. For me, it is very valuable to awaken the warrior sage way of being. The warrior within us is the one that is grounded in truth, impeccability, perseverance, and being 100% in whatever we do. Anything less than 100% is a slow poison to warriors. They know that. They know they will somehow self-sabotage if they do not give their all.
And this is combined with the sage, which is the source of wisdom. We call wise people sages or enlightened masters. Well, guess what? We all have an already enlightened sage within us. It is already living in our organization. We just have not learned how to tap into it.
So for me, the warrior sage way of being is tapping into, awakening, polishing, galvanizing, and solidifying the warrior and the sage within us. So that whatever we set ourselves to do, at home or at work or in business or in our highest aspirations, we can achieve it. The yang of the warrior and the yin of the sage is a perfect combination that is already inherent within us and that is being called to be lived at its next level, at its fullest level, to meet the demands of our times today.

Bhaskar: Thank you so much. I will end with a process that I learned from you: mind clearing. If I may, I will give you an instruction, whatever comes up:
Tell us something that you want us to know about you.

Satyen: My heart yearns for the leaders in our organizations to come to the deepest truth of their being so that we can all lift the world up together beautifully. We can all rise together. That is what I really want. That is what I really yearn for: a deep enlightenment for all of us leaders who are making a positive impact on the planet.

Bhaskar: Thank you. I have said this before, and I will say it again: there was a ‘Bhaskar’ before I met you and a ‘Bhaskar’ after I met you. This body of work has changed my life dramatically, both personally and professionally, in every dimension. Please tell us about your website and any landing thoughts to share.

Satyen: Yes, our main website is You can go to and see all of it. And for those of you who are in the healing professions, you can check out You can find that on as well. All I have to share is that we are in beautiful times now, no matter how much rocking and shaking there is around the world.
There is an old saying, where a man prayed to God and said, “God, the earth is shaking all around me. What am I to do?” And God said to the man, “Relax. It’s me who’s shaking the ground.”

Satyen Raja is a world-renowned Teacher, Mentor, and Guide deemed the ‘CEO Oracle’ for his extraordinary ability to move companies beyond the old business model of struggle – into a new paradigm of passion, purpose, freedom, and the magic of the flow.

Satyen has been building and scaling businesses for over 30 years, founding a multitude of companies and launching them to the apex of success. His Transcendent Leadership programs feature exclusive coaching, private mentorship, group trainings and intensives, retreats and Spiritual Adventure Tours, designed to bring CEOs, Founders, and entrepreneurs into deeper work-life balance, self-realization, and illumination of their soul’s mission and purpose. His trainings guide leaders into their peak success, peak potential, and ultimately their Peak Existence.
Satyen Raja has dedicated his life to higher consciousness studies, illumi- nating the path for others to attain their highest human capacity. His companies WarriorSage and Accelerated Evolution Academy have impacted hundreds of thousands of students around the globe. His Transcendent Culture Training SystemTM provides a blueprint for organizations to transform their corporate culture, bringing teams into genuine connection and cohesion, with a shared forward-moving vision and purpose. His Transcendent CEO MastermindTM is an exclusive circle of CEOs, Founders, and entrepreneurs committed to receiv- ing intensive mentorship on the Path of the WarriorSage. Satyen brings a mag- netic spirit into all his interactions, leading his students on Spiritual Adventure Tours –worldwide journeys of intensive personal growth. Whether he is scaling a company to 9-figures and beyond, or guiding entrepreneurs into Enlightened Leadership, Satyen combines ancient wisdom with hard-won, new-paradigm business strategies.
A remarkable living synthesis of Eastern wisdom and Western practicality, Satyen embodies the power of the Warrior and the wisdom of the Sage. Passion- ately dedicated to the martial arts for over 40 years, he is a Kung Fu Master, and founder of a thriving marital arts academy. A lifelong devotee of the mystical path, he has studied with esteemed enlightened masters from around the world. Satyen brings a multi-dimensional approach to his teachings – guiding his participants into greater Self-awareness to achieve tangible, practical results, and access higher levels of creativity and flow.
Satyen Raja has created a life of Peak Existence in the realms of business, relationship, finances, and spirituality. He has authored numerous books, from business to personal development, and is a highly sought-after teacher on the world stage. Satyen is married to his partner of over 30 years; they have two lively adult children. His beloved wife Suzanne Raja works alongside him, and together they share their secrets on a global scale, offering retreats and intensives on keeping passion alive in a constantly evolving love-relationship.
Satyen Raja is on the leading-edge of a new paradigm of business – inspiring other leaders to join in – and providing the blueprint, practical application, and multi-dimensional insight to activate your Peak Existence and limitless potential.
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Bhaskar Goswami is a visionary mentor and speaker who is passionate about empowering people to thrive in work and life. He is the founder of BODHI, a multiple award-winning company that offers genuine wellbeing solutions to individuals and organizations. He is also the founder of daana, a CBC Award Winning non-profit organization that offers contribution-based wellness activities around the world.
Bhaskar has a rich and diverse background in the yogic tradition. He was born in Assam, India, into the lineage of Vasishtha, one of the founding fathers of yoga. He has been trained by some of the most respected masters of transformative practices in India, Kuwait, and Canada. He is a certified master coach from the Accelerated Evolution Academy and a personal mentor to several business leaders and their teams. He has worked with numerous elite organizations around the world.
Bhaskar has guided over fifty retreats and has spoken in prestigious organizations and events such as COP22 (UN Global Climate Change Summit, Morocco). He has published two international albums, Open Yoga and Wisdom Stories, and is the author of Wisdom Stories - Book 1.
Bhaskar has a Masters Honors in Electronic Engineering from the University of Nottingham (England) and a 10-year international engineering career.
Bhaskar is on a mission to help people master the inner game of leadership and culture. He believes that by tapping into our inner wisdom, intuition, and creativity, we can create a thriving work environment that aligns with our values and purpose.
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Light Conversations with Bhaskar #4 - Satyen Raja
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